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Settings related to lilEditorToolbox. You can open it from Edit/Preference/lilEditorToolbox on the menu bar, where you can change the language and enable various functions.


LanguageThe language setting for lilEditorToolbox. The language file exists in jp.lilxyzw.editortoolbox/Editor/Localization, and you can support other languages by creating a language file.

Asset Import

Drag And Drop OverwriteWhen importing assets via D&D, if there is a file with the same name at the same level, it will be overwritten by the import.
Cancel Unitypackage Overwrite In PackagesPrevents unitypackage from overwriting assets under Packages.

Texture Import

Turn Off Crunch CompressionAutomatically turn off Crunch Compression when importing textures to speed up imports.
Turn On Streaming MipmapsAutomatically turn on Streaming Mipmaps when importing textures.
Change To Kaiser MipmapsAutomatically change to Kaiser when importing texture.

Model Import

Turn On ReadableAutomatically turn on Readable when importing a model.
Fix BlendshapesTurn off Legacy Blend Shape Normals when importing a model to turn off automatic recalculation of BlendShape normals.
Remove JawWhen importing a model, if a bone that does not contain jaw (case insensitive) in the bone name is assigned to the Humanoid Jaw, it will be automatically unassigned.

Hierarchy Extension

You can display objects, components, tags, layers, etc. on the Hierarchy. You can also add your own extensions by implementing IHierarchyExtensionConponent. Please refer to the scripts under Editor/HierarchyExtension/Components for how to write them.

Hierarchy Spacer WidthThe width of the margin to avoid interfering with other Hierarchy extensions.
Hierarchy Spacer PriorityThis is the timing to insert margins so as not to interfere with other Hierarchy extensions.
Hierarchy SpacerAdd margins so as not to interfere with other Hierarchy extensions.
Active ToggleA checkbox that turns an object on and off.
Alternating BackgroundAlternates the background color of the Hierarchy.
Object Marker BackgroundApplies a background color to the ObjectMarker.
Children DrawerDisplays the child components of an object.
Components DrawerDisplays the object's components. You can turn components on or off by clicking their icons.
Editor Only LabelShows the icon if the object is EditorOnly.
Hierarchy LineDisplays lines representing the parent-child relationships of objects in the Hierarchy.
Layer And TagDisplays the layer and tag of an object.

Project Extension

You can display extensions and prefab information on the project. You can also add your own extensions by implementing IProjectExtensionConponent. Please refer to the script under Editor/ProjectExtension/Components for how to write it.

Icon OverlayOverlay any image on the icon.
Alternating Project BackgroundAlternates the background color of the Project window.
Unitypackage HilighterHighlight the assets you imported in each Unitypackage.
Extension DrawerDisplays the file extension.
Prefab InfoDisplays Prefab information.
Material VariantDisplays the parent material if the material is a variant.
Material QueueDisplays the Render Queue for materials.
Material ShaderDisplays the material's shader.

Toolbar Extension

You can display an assembly lock button or an extension inspector tab on the Toolbar. You can also add your own extension by implementing IToolbarExtensionComponent. Please refer to the script under Editor/ToolbarExtension/Components for how to write it.

Lock Reload Assemblies ButtonLocks the assembly to reduce the wait time for script compilation. This is useful if you frequently rewrite scripts.
Add Inspector Tab ButtonDisplays a button to add a tab to the Inspector that is locked on the selected object.

You can customize the menu bar by changing or deleting the menu hierarchy. You can also edit multiple menus at once by specifying Tools/*.

Enable Menu Directory ReplacesWhen this check box is selected, changing and deleting the menu hierarchy is enabled.
Menu Directory ReplacesAdd the menu to be changed here. If To is empty, the menu will be deleted, if it is not empty, it will be moved to that hierarchy.

Released under the MIT License.